Penny Profiler #3

Meet the DuPont-Ghiglione Family:  Miron, Leeann & Zoey.  They are my neighbors, camping buddies, drinking wine in the backyard allies, Girl Scout cookie dealer (now on sale btw), cup of sugar snatcher, and so much more.   Upon a recent greeting in the front yard, Miron let me know he had some pennies to contribute to “the cause”.  Well that was an understatement.  According to Miron the talk at the water cooler in his office led someone to recall that a former employee who had been “let-go” a few years back had his own penny collection sitting in an abandoned locker.  Now I am the proud new momma.  If that wasn’t enough, Miron thought I needed a new vessel to keep the collection growing and loaned me a very cool, large, vintage jug with a few pennies of his own.  Thanks to the family for their contribution, for even Zoey (9 years old) gathered some from her room.  Touching.  Really freaking touching.

Pennies collected to date: 3,323.