Penny Profiler #4

Shirley Barclay.  Her penny donation was humble and her contribution to my life is epic.  Her credentials and accomplishments are plentiful and too numerous to list in detail here.  Our paths crossed with her work in Psychodrama.  She is a healer in two Native American traditions (Cherokee and Lakota).  She has taught in Europe, the Far East, the Middle East, the U.S., and South America.  She is a Wolf Clan Mother, Pipe Carrier, and Sun Dancer.  Her work in developing and encouraging the human spirit will have ripple effects for lifetimes to come.  The pennies are anonymous in the collection jar I’ve received so far, but I can’t help but think the other pennies are a little better off with her juju in the mix.  I know my life is richer because of Shirley.