Penny Profiler #13

Ryan & Jen Mrazik.  Homemade pickles, relish, jam, and pennies?  This is just how they roll and I consider myself one lucky girl.  I met these crazy kids from their devoted time in The Tasting Room.  They are a couple that you can’t help but love.  Our paths crossed just after they arrived in Seattle and we quickly moved from acquaintances to friends.  Having relocated to Seattle from the east coast, this area definitely fits them and the PNW is better off as a result.  They have just expanded the Mrazik clan to welcome their first baby boy, Harlan.  I am so thrilled to witness their new chapters unfold too.  It certainly makes this journey all worthwhile.    

Jen’s mom Janet holds a special place in my heart as an exuberant, fill the room personality, that tickles me pink every time I see her.  She deserves a shout out for the relish in the photo.  I just opened this sweet & tangy concoction to try with cheese and can’t wait to explore schmearing it on other goodies.  Janet, I adore you and can’t wait for the next Seattle visit!